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" A Great Adventure " Amazon Ebook

" Sharing Good Thoughts " Amazon Ebook

The Medical field in America has Proven Hypnosis works in the application of "Quit Smoking Cigarettes". Dr. Oz on T.V. also verified this. Smoking Cessation Programs, Quit Nicotine Programs, Nicotine pills, Nicotine patches, can cause side effects to your Body. Using Hypnosis to Quit Smoking, there are no side effects.

Smoking Cessation Programs, Quit Nicotine Programs, Nicotine pills, Nicotine patches, Quit Smoking Cigarettes Programs, all of these will be conquered by Hypnosis.

I, Master Toledo smoked cigarettes for years. I started when it was 45 cents a pack. The year before I Quit Smoking, I smoked over 2 packs a day. For Medical reasons, I decided to Quit Smoking and Hypnotized myself. It Worked!

Any Habit you have is because your Mind, and Body have a "Desire" for your Habit. Candy, Drugs, Nicotine would be your Habit. Take away your " Desire " for Nicotine from the Mind and Body using Hypnosis, and then you don't need a Cigarette. This is the Process of Hypnosis I used to help me Quit Smoking. It worked. It has been over 20 years now I have not had Cigarette. I am glad now I quit because in America you pay over $5 for a pack of Cigarettes. When you quit, you will have lots of extra money ? ☺

Email or Phone before we set up our Appointment in your Time Zone. I can answer any questions and get the information I need for our first Session.

Thank you.
Master Toledo
Ph. 832.545.4084 Houston, Texas, USA

$260 per Hypnotherapy Session

Quit Smoking CD

Master Toledo smoked 2 packs of Cigarettes a day for 17 years. He decided to Quit for Health Reasons. His last Cigarette was in 1981.

The Reason you smoke is you have a "Desire" for Nicotine in your Mind and Body. Why you smoke has created this "Desire" for Nicotine. This Powerful CD will take away the "Desire" for Nicotine from your Mind and Body.

It is that Simple! Now you no longer have the "Desire" to smoke. Quit now for your Health and save yourself Thousands of Dollars this year!    $260

See how Hypnosis works in our Free Self Hypnosis Workshop Video
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 1
See our Free Workshop video on Hypnosis 2